Silent Auction Donations Now Open!

Posted By: Kristina Boodram News & Announcements,

Back by popular demand for 2024! The Silent Auction has returned as part of VAM’s Annual Conference and we are currently asking for donations! 

If you haven't had a chance to think about a donation for this year's silent auction, now is the time! Donating to our auction is an easy way for you to make a real difference to your museum colleagues every year--all proceeds from the auction go right to the professional development we offer to museum staff throughout the year. (Not to mention, it is consistently one of the most popular elements of our conference--who doesn't love to bargain shop?) 
Can you, your company or your museum help us by donating an item to our Experience Auction? We are focusing on items that don't require shipping--a museum membership, a gift certificate for a behind the scenes tour, an offer of museum consulting service. There are endless possibilities! Maybe you're an amazing artist, and you would like to donate a commissioned piece of jewelry, or a quilt, or a painting--made with the consultation of the winner, there is no shipping needed until the piece is complete!


What could you or your site donate that would stand out and make a statement? We can't wait to find out! 



or  VAM_Silent_Auction_Donation_Form.pdf

Please submit this form no later than Friday, February 22, 2024.

If you have questions about VAM's 2024 silent auction, contact, or call the VAM office at 804.358.3170.



Remember, as a 501 c (3) nonprofit organization, all donations to VAM are tax deductible! Stumped for an idea of what to donate? We will be happy to make suggestions!!! Thank you for participating in the VAM Silent Auction! Your contribution will help raise funds for museum training scholarships.