Products & Services

Career Center Job Posting 30-Day
Career Center Job Posting 30-Day Post a job in VAM's Career Center! Free for members, this is a great way for you to reach all of...
Member Price: $0
Non-Member Price: $30
Career Center Job Posting 60-Day
Career Center Job Posting 60-Day Post a job in VAM's Career Center! Free for members, this is a great way for you to reach all of...
Member Price: $0
Non-Member Price: $50
Annual Fund Donation Help VAM prepare for the future, and serve our members. While the suggested donation is $50, once...
Suggested Donation: $25
Monthly Contribution $600 annually Want to make a big impact on VAM's future, while staying within your monthly budget? Our monthly...
Price: $50/mo
Benefactor Membership - Monthly Contribution $150 Annually Want to join as a Benefactor member, while staying within your monthly budget? Our monthly...
Price: $25/mo
Monthly Contribution $300 annually Want to make a big impact on VAM's future, while staying within your monthly budget? Our monthly...
Price: $25/mo
Monthly Contribution $1,200 ANNUALLY Want to make a big impact on VAM's future, while staying within your monthly budget? Our monthly...
Price: $100/mo
Monthly Contribution $180 annually Want to make a big impact on VAM's future, while staying within your monthly budget? Our monthly...
Price: $15/mo
Support Us Making a donation to VAM helps us meet our mission of helping our museum community succeed.
Price: $20
TOP TEN Program
TOP TEN Program Your gift will support significant, endangered artifacts at museums, libraries and archives...
Scholarship Fund Donation Make a donation to VAM's Scholarship Fund to help send a colleague to the next Annual Conference!
Suggested Donation: $20
Conference Program Ad-Full Page The Conference Program is an excellent way to gain exposure for your company. It is given to...
Member Price: $350
Non-Member Price: $450