Conservation Grant

2021 Richmond Conservation Studio Grant Program

The second annual Richmond Conservation Studio Grant Program is open for applications! The Virginia Association of Museums is excited to once again work with Richmond Conservation Studio on this exciting project and deeply appreciates their generous support of this project and our members.

See our sponsor, Richmond Conservation Studio, in a BBC show called "Fake or Fortune" (seen in minute 42)

Grant Guidelines:

  • This grant is open to VAM member museums with overall budgets under $1 million.
  • Completion of an application indicating need and future use. Deadline: October 15
  • The grant award includes conservation of one painting.
  • The institution that is chosen agrees to transport the painting to and from Richmond Conservation Studio in Richmond, Virginia.
  • The chosen institution will allow the Richmond Conservation Studio and VAM to post images/video created during conservation process of the painting on social media/website/marketing materials.
  • The chosen institution will also be able to use those images to post on their own social media as long as Richmond Conservation Studio is given credit for the image and/or work.
  • For more information, contact VAM at 804.358.3172 or

Thank you for applying, the winner will be announced soon! 

Previous Recipients:


Historical Society  of Western Virginia Chosen for the First Painting Conservation Grant

Sponsored by Virginia Association of Museums and Richmond Conservation Studio