Photo of Carol Duke

Carol Duke

Principal, Cultural and Performing Arts

DLR Group


Professional Bio

Carol leads business strategy for DLR Group’s Culture+Performing Arts studio, which specializes in business and operations planning + research, grant writing, fundraising support, architecture, engineering, acoustics, audiovisual, digital media, theatrical, and lighting system design. The firm's work in Virginia includes the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown, the Jamestown Settlement Gallery Refresh, and current work at the Frontier Culture Museum. Other notable museum projects include the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History expansion, and numerous projects for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.


Photo of DLR Group DLR Group 419 7th Street NW, 2nd Floor
Washington, DC 20004
VAM Logo Business

Certificate in Museum Management Student
Business Type
City or County (or out of state)
Out of State